Lucijan Blagonić
- Company: Blogonic Brothers
- Location: Zagreb/Pula, HR
- Twitter: @lblagonic
Lucijan is passionate about new technologies like HTML5 and especially CSS3. Wide open to interesting concepts like Responsive Web Design, CSS3 Media Queries and semantic web. His primary field of interest is design in general, but in the last few years he is more focused on creating user interfaces for web apps and touchscreen devices. With 8+ years of experience in the field, Lucijan is able to come up with distinct solutions for his clients from areas of interface design, mobile app design and front-end development. Some of his clients include Zagreb County Tourist Board, Netokracija and Iskon.
Hand-crafted Front-ends
Emanuel and Lucijan will guide you through the entire front-end process. From preparing Photoshop files to writing clean and semantic markup you will learn about best practices, what to look out for as well as be shown some useful tips and tricks. However, being a front-end developer is not just about writing code, it’s also about constantly improving your skills by adopting and embracing new technologies such as HTML5. As such, they will also cover topics on progressive enhancement, web fonts, responsive web design, fluid grids and more, leaving you with useful techniques that you can take away and apply and most importantly benefit from in your everyday workflow.